A piecewise cubic PostScript trefoil Fred Linton 1;a 1 Wesleyan Univ., United States of America a flinton@wesleyan.edu 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53-04, 97G70, 97N80, 97R60 Keywords. Trefoil, piecewise cubic parametrization, Bézier control point, PostScript language, rotation and reflection pp. Geometry 148-149 Eschewing the traditional trigonometrical approach thereto, we offer here a piecewise polynomial parametrization of the trefoil, a continuously differentiable stitching together of six rotated and reflected copies of one basic pattern-curve, part of the graph of a well-chosen cubic polynomial. Values for such a polynomial and its first derivative at the end points of a convenient interval are easy to motivate, and it’s an elementary linear algebra exercise to confirm that there is a unique cubic polynomial realizing those four values there. It’s an easy calculation (cf. p. 393 of the Adobe Systems Inc. PostScript Language Refer- ence Manual (the Red Book), 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley, Reading (MA), 1990, ISBN-13: 978-0-201-18127-2, or the equivalent) to determine two handy Bézier control points, which, along with the start and end points, determine that cubic curve; and it then becomes an amus- ing exercise in PostScript “curveto” boondogglery to plot that polynomial fragment, and to assemble it and its rotated and reflected copies into the trefoil image desired, as slides will illustrate.