Ann Barbara before a Yellowstone waterfall.
Patience, this 347×260 image (72 KB) may take a while to load.
 Ann Barbara snapping the mists of a Yellowstone thermal area.
Patience, this 346×259 image (49 KB) may take a while to load. Ann Barbara snapping the mists of a Yellowstone thermal area.
Frontal view.
Patience, this 347×260 image (55 KB) may take a while to load.

Ann Barbara Cohen Robbins

in the North American Great Outdoors

Images by Ben Robbins

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Ann Barbara resting on a Logan log.  

Patience, this 288×316 image (48 KB) may take a while to load.

Comments and contributions to Fred E.J. Linton, please,
rubbing out any “<!-- spamblock -->” you may encounter.

Created: 02 July 2004. Last updated: 12 July 2004.