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   The  Lintons’  Video  Press

       Publishers of fine, hand-finished, books and videotapes

     The Live Art Series (Our
     famous “li’l picture books”)

    This is Us
  1. Doing Math
  2. Symposium ( ) New!
  3. Facing Off ( )
    Adventures of Marysia
  1. Chrzciny Marysi
  2. At the Playground ( )
  3. Going Out for Ice Cream ( )
  4. Trzecia zima Marysi
  5. Marysia i Tuta w Bachotku
  6. Chrzciny Tuti
  7. Nad jeziorem ( )
  8. Uśmiech (Mar)Tuni ( )
  9. Siostry
  10. Wielkanocne zabawy
  11. Wizyta u dziadków
  12. Pierwsze kroki (Mar)Tuni ( )
  13. Letnie przygody
  14. Marysia pozuje ( )
  15. Uśmiech Tuni (raz jeszcze)

New! Fotoreportaż — Japońskie festiwale (matsuri)

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  Founded in 1997, The Lintons’ Video Press is a small print-on-demand publisher offering a growing collection of affordable, high-quality print and videotape titles.
  Our BookNook lets you browse through virtual copies of some of our offerings. More titles, marked here with a hot ( ), keep getting added, so if what you’d like to see isn’t there yet, drop us a note to let us know which item(s) we should bring to the top of our ToDo list.

  Author (and co-proprietor) Barbara Mi­ko­la­jew­ska, a sociologist long affiliated with the University of Warsaw (Poland), has written numerous monographs, edited several anthologies, and translated into Polish René Girard’s A Theater of Envy: William Shakespeare.
  Now living in Connecticut with her mathematician husband, their adoptive cats, and a growing assortment of computers, printers, and monitors, all with their own unique personalities, she continues to find new uses of the Girardian mimetic theory in the analysis of the scriptural materials of India and Japan.

  Technical and Editorial Advisor (and fellow co-proprietor) F. E. J. Linton is Full Professor of Mathe­matics (Emeritus) at Wesleyan University.
  His contributions include: dust-jacket design; page-layout; proofing; printing, assembling, trimming, and binding the volumes we produce; the care and feeding of our cantankerous equipment; and our web-page design and execution.

  Our BookNook is a Virtual Library where you can preview virtual copies of our publications. Currently available are all those on this page marked with a hot ( ). We’ll be adding to its shelves, so with time it will become your best spot to Try before you Buy.

  Ordering: Any of our titles can be had through, or, if you prefer, directly from us.
(For security reasons, we have no online order process of our own. We rely on e-mail, telephone, fax, USPS mail, and UPS for order placement, confirmation, payment, and fulfillment. We accept payment by check, money order, or American Express.)

    More “li’l picture books”
  1. Witches of the Harz
  2. Child’s Play
  3. Moroccan Home-Hosted Dinner ( )
    Our Monographs
  1. Desire Came upon that One in the Beginning ...
  2. Zjawisko wspólnoty
  3. Na początku na to jedno przyszło pożądanie ...
  4. New!“Good” Violence versus “Bad”: A Girardian analysis of King Janamejaya’s Snake Sacrifice and allied Mahabharata events
    Serial (Instalment) Items
  1. Focus on the Mahabharata:
    Items in Polish and English
  2. Focus on the Kojiki:
    Items in Polish and English
    Our Videotapes
  1. René Girard, Mimesis and Ethnic Conflict, Stanford Univ, 1996
  2. René Girard, Violence and Sacrificial Structures in Film and Media Today, Graz, 1997
  3. René Girard, Présentation de la théorie mimétique dans son ensemble, Saint-Denis, 1998
  4. René Girard, 1999 COV&R Plenary Address, Emory Univ.
    HTML Coding Notes
  1. Encoding HTML Character Entities

Last updated: 29 November 2006.