Last revised:
11 May 2004
Class meeting number |
Date | Text material for discussion | Problem assignments due this class |
1 | 22 Jan | Anton, Chapter 1, §§ 1 & 2 | None - First assignment due second class meeting |
2 | 27 Jan | Chapter 1, §§ 3 & 4 & 5 | §1.1: ## 7, 8, 9, 12, 13; §1.2: ## 18, 27. |
3 | 29 Jan | Chapter 1, §§ 5 (& 6 & 7?) | §1.3: ## 9, 12, 18, 19; Note (Jan. 29): the following are postponed one class -- §1.4: ## 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10; §1.5: ## 12, 13, 15. |
4 | 3 Feb | Review of Ch. 1 §§1-7 and groundwork for Ch. 2 |
§1.4: ## 1, 2, 3, 5, 6,
10; §1.5: ## 12, 13, 15. |
NB: What | follows | is revised as of 04 Feb 2004. | Watch your e-mail for further change notifications. |
5 | 5 Feb | Chapter 2, §§ 1 & 2 & 3 | §1.6: ## 20, 23, 24; §1.7: ## 9, 12, 13. |
6 | 10 Feb | Chapter 2, §§ 3 & 4 | §2.1: ## 14 (feel free to base your work on
Figure 2.1.1 of p. 83), 15, 16, 18; §2.2: ## 4, 5, 12, 17. |
NB: What | follows | is revised again as of 13 Feb 2004. | Watch your e-mail for further change notifications. |
7 | 12 Feb | Still tying up loose ends in Chapters 1 and 2 |
Consult (the original Handout, as recently revised, or)
this HTML-formatted version of the handout promised in class. |
8 | 17 Feb | Cramer's Rule;
Chapter 3, §§ 1 & 2 (& 3 ?); and Chapter 4, § 1 |
§2.3: ## 2, 3, 7 (& 13, optional); [Postponed one class, as of 02/13/2004: §2.4: ## 1, 5, 7; §3.1: ## 1 (i, j, k, l), 2 (h, i), 9.] |
9 | 19 Feb | Chapter 3, §§ 3 & 4 & 5 | §2.4: ## 1, 5, 7;
§3.1: ## 1 (i, j, k, l), 2 (h, i), 9. New, 18 Feb 2004: ASCII or HTML notes on Dot Product; New, 20 Feb 2004: HTML outline of Complex Numbers. |
10 | 24 Feb | 40-minute midterm exam, on Ch. 1 & 2; Actually: aspects of cross-products [and not yet on Chapter 4, §§ 2 (& 3 ?)]. |
§ 3.2: ## 3, 4; first instalment of § 4.1: ## 1(c), 2, 4, 5. |
11 | 26 Feb | Onward in Chapter 4: review of § 1, on into § 2 |
§ 3.3: ## 1-3, 8, 12 (explain fully); remainder of § 4.1: ## 1(c), 2, 4, 5. [Thinking Ch. 5 was definitely too optimistic ...] |
12 | 2 Mar | More Chapter 4 | § 4.1: ## 6, 9, 14, 16, 20, 21. |
13 | 4 Mar | Finishing up Chapter 4 | § 4.1: # 34; § 4.2: ## 2, 3, 5, 6, 12b, 13, 22. |
----- | Spring | Break ----- | (Another 40-minute exam not long(*) after Spring Break will test your mastery of material through Chapter 4, and a little beyond.) (*)20 April 2004 |
14 | 23 Mar | Review of Ch. 4; and Chapter 5, § 1 | None for today. |
15 | 25 Mar | Chapter 5, §§ 2 & 3 (& 4 ?) |
§ 4.2: ## 1, 26; § 4.3: ## 1-5;
also, if we managed to reach Chapter 5 in class on Tuesday,
be sure you understand how the examples of § 5.1, ## 1-16 tick, and carry out ## 19, 20. |
16 | 30 Mar | Chapter 5, §§ 1 & 2 (hoped for was §§ 4-6) |
§ 5.2: ## 1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 17, 19. |
17 | 1 Apr | Unfinished business
from Chapter 5, §§ 1-3 & 5, w/ discussion of "the"(?) 4th dimension |
... catch-up time for unfinished homeworks ... |
18 | 6 Apr | Chapter 5, §§ 3-6, esp. §4 | § 5.2: # 26; § 5.3: ## 1-3, 6a&c, 7, 8; § 5.5: ## 1, 2a&c, 3ab&d, 7. |
19 | 8 Apr | Wrapping up Chapter 5; (Chapter 6, §§ ?) | § 5.4: ## 1(a,b,d), 2, 3, 5, 7 (paraphrased, this problem asks you to find the coefficients x1 and x2 for which w = x1 u1 + x2 u2), any one of 11-13, any one of 14-16, and 21 (or 20). |
20 | 13 Apr | Chapter 6, §§ ? | ... catch-up time ... (was: ... coming soon ...) |
21 | 15 Apr | Chapter 6, §§ 1 & 2 | Notes on A† as "quasi-inverse" to A ... |
22 | 20 Apr | 40-minute in-class test on material through Ch. 4 and specific §§ of Ch. 5; Chapter 6, § 3 |
... catch-up time ... |
23 | 22 Apr | Chapter 6, §§ 3, 4 & 5 | § 6.1: ## 10(a,b), 11(a,b), 20; § 6.2: ## 1(a,d,f), 2, 3(b,f), 8(a,b). |
24 | 27 Apr | Closing Chapter 6
& opening Chapter 7 |
§ 6.1: ## 21, 24; § 6.2: ## 10(a), 12, 25; § 6.3: ## 1-4, 7, 9, 10. |
25 | 29 Apr | Chapter 7, §§ 1 & 2 (& 3 ?) | § 6.4: ## 2, 3, 6; § 6.5: ## 1, 2, 3. |
26 | 4 May | Chapter 7, (§ 2 &) § 3 | § 7.1: ## 1, 2, 3, 10 (& opt'l: 19); § 7.2: ## 2, 4, 8, 10, 13, 15; & (if feasible) § 7.3: ## 1(a&c), 2, 4, 12 (& opt'l: 15); p. 361: # 1. |
__ May | Final exam |